The view above is from about 1860 and shows the old punt at South Yarra. It was from this vessel that the road beyond took its name. The track that was to become Punt Road can be seen running up to a row of houses at what is probably Domain Road. Just beyond the hill's crest is where just a few years later a tiny cul-de-sac, Tivoli Place, will form the basis for a half dozen or so dwellings. By 1866 one of these was to be occupied by John Clarke and family. The house stood at what is now number 21 and was known in the Clarkes' time as "Reddish House" after John Clarke's Lancashire birthplace. |
As with many of my pages I came to this one via photos in the old Shaw family photo albums. In this case it was the album of Great Grand Aunt Lavinia Shaw and the six photos are shown below. Lavinia's pencilled captions identify all as being "Clark"s, including an aunt, an uncle and cousin. It didn't take too long to work out that this was the family of Mary Jakeman Heywood, "Aunt Clark" to Lavinia and sister of Alfred Shaw's first wife, Hannah Heywood. Her husband was John Clarke, variously described as a draper, coachbuilder and farmer. |
The view abo |
Cox and Luckin
Punt on the Yarra River at Punt Road, Richmond, looking towards South Yarra [picture]
Date(s) of creation: 1861.
photograph : albumen silver ; 22.1 x 27.6 cm.
Reproduction rights owned by the State Library of Victoria
Accession Number: H141
Image Number: b36163
This photograph seems to have been taken about the same time as the painting at the top of the page. |
John Clarke lived at 21 Tivoli Place now a 1970s block of flats.
This photo shows 13 Tivoli Place in December 2008 and at that time it and a similar house at number 27 were the only houses shown on the 1895 map still standing. The rest of the street is filled with 20th century flats. It seems highly probable that the basic design of Reddish House was similar to this one, although the outline is slightly bigger and there is a suggestion of a small bay window or wall at one end of the front verandah. |
1895 MMBW Map showing Tivoli Place.
- origin of Reddish House
- origin of "Tivoli" (George Augustus Robinson's house)
- views from back of house
- death of Luther Shaw
- Wavendon
- Grosvenor House
- Alfred Deakin
- Rusdens
- Merton Hall 1893 - 1900 Domain Road