Jane Broomhead
(Cal 1830-From 1880/1880)


Family Links

Edmund Beresford

Jane Broomhead

  • Born: Cal 1830, Wimeswold, Leics 1
  • Marriage: Edmund Beresford on 27 Dec 1847 in Sneinton - St Peter 1
  • Died: From Oct to Nov 1880, Nottingham 2
  • Buried: Lenton, Notts 3


Jane married Edmund Beresford, son of William Berresford and Mary Jarvis, on 27 Dec 1847 in Sneinton - St Peter.1 (Edmund Beresford was born on 31 Aug 1824 in Nottingham 4, christened on 21 Sep 1824 in St Marys, Nott 5 and died on 19 Jan 1878 in Radford, Notts 6 7.)


1 David using Notts FHS CD.

2 FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales, www.freebmd.org.uk, Death. Deaths Dec 1880 Beresford Jane 53 Nottingham 7b 134. Tentative but age agrees with 1871 age.

3 David using Notts FHS CD, Lenton Monumental Inscriptions (From Notts FHS MI's Fiche) BERESFORD Edmund - died 19 January 1878 aged 53 Also BERESFORD Mary Ann - died 21 November 1879 aged 26 Also BERESFORD Jane (No dates - David).

4 Documents - Pat & Don Beresford Folder from FDB containing various documents, trees and letters, Family register WB.

5 The Church of Latter Day Saints, International Genealogical Index, www.familysearch.org/, IGI.

6 FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales, www.freebmd.org.uk, Deaths Mar 1878

Beresford Edmund 53 Radford 7b 127.

7 David using Notts FHS CD, BERESFORD Edmund - died 19 January 1878 aged 53 Also BERESFORD Mary Ann - died 21 November 1879 aged 26 Also BERESFORD Jane (No dates - David).