George Ball


Family Links


George Ball 2 3

  • Marriage: Unknown on 4 Aug 1807 in Lenton, Notts 1


George married on 4 Aug 1807 in Lenton, Notts.1


1 JP (researchng Cox) 2004.

2 JP (researchng Cox) 2004, George Ball married Elizabeth Shepherd in Lenton, August 4, 1807. Their children were:

Mary, ch June 12, 1808 William, 1812 Elizabeth, 1816 Ann, 1820 George, Feb 9, 1623 Henry, March 12, 1826. Tentative.

3 The Church of Latter Day Saints, International Genealogical Index,, MARY BALL Female Christening: 12 JUN 1808 Lenton, Nottingham, England Parents: Father: GEORGE BALL Source Information: Batch Number: 7230707 Sheet: 97 Source Call No.: 0822554 Type: Film.