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John William Felstead
(Cal 1821-1898)
Jane Hale
John Francis Felstead
(Cal 1849-1915)
Margaret McCutcheon
Edith Helen Felstead


Family Links

Edith Helen Felstead

  • Born: 1874, Scarsdale, Victoria 1
  • Died: 1876, Newt, Victoria 2


1 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Name: FELSTEAD - Edith Helen Event Type: Birth Sex: Age: - Place: SCARSDALE Year: 1874 Reg. Number: 12127 Father: - John Francis Mother: MCCUTCHEON - Margaret Spouse: -.

2 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Name: FELSTEAD - Edith Helen Event Type: Death Sex: Age: 1 - Place: NEWT Year: 1876 Reg. Number: 3474 Father: John Francis - Mother: - Spouse: -.