James Hall Taylor
(1884-1955) |
James Hall Taylor
James married Muriel Henrietta Hale, daughter of Samuel Joel Hale and Emily Maria Chaplin, in 1918 in Victoria.1 2 (Muriel Henrietta Hale was born on 9 Feb 1886 in Kyneton 5 6 and died in 1967 in Caulfield, Victoria 7.) |
1 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Family Name: HALE Given Name(s): Muriel Hetta Sex: Unknown Event: MARRIAGE Father's Name: Mother's Name: Spouse's Family Name: TAYLOR Spouse's Given Name(s): James Hall Age: Birth Place: Death Place: Registration Year: 1918 Registration Number: 1398.
Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, Australia Marriage Index, 1788-1950 about James Hall Taylor 3
Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922 about James Hall Taylor 4
Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, Australia Death Index, 1787-1985 about James Hall Taylor 5
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Birth 1886/3985.
Birthday Book CMH, Feb 7 but "the 9th" written under later.
Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, Australia Death Index, 1787-1985 about Muriel Henrietta Taylor
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