Margaret Tough


Family Links

John Paterson

Margaret Tough

  • Marriage: John Paterson about 1845 in Aberdeen, Scotland 1


Margaret married John Paterson, son of William Paterson and Jane, about 1845 in Aberdeen, Scotland.1 (John Paterson was born Cal 1818 in Scotland and died on 30 Jul 1878 in 13 Anderson St, Emerald Hill 2.)


1 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate,, Death JP 1878.

2 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Family Name: PATERSON Given Name(s): John Sex: Unknown Event: DEATH Father's Name: William Mother's Name: UNKNOWN - Jane Spouse's Family Name: TOUGH Spouse's Given Name(s): Mary Age: 70 Birth Place: SCOT Death Place: Registration Year: 1878 Registration Number: 5111.