Christina Stevenson (Cir 1845-1914) |
Christina StevensonAnother name for Christina was Teeny. General Notes: The family had a nurse, Christina Stevenson (Teeny), who stayed with them from the birth of Ernest when she was 19 until 1914 when she was 65 [Olive Shaw 1962 - dates close - should be 69 in 1914] Various photos exist of Teeny with the children [eg 014_036, 004_019]. Chronology: She immigrated from Scotland? circa 1863 to Victoria. 3 She resided 1864 to 1871 in Balaclava Rd, Caulfield. She immigrated from Victoria circa 1898 to Western Australia. 4 |
1 Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (WA) - Certificate, Death 1914. Died aged 68 - b Scotland.
2 Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (WA) - Certificate, STEVENSON CHRISTINA Female PERTH 260 1914.
Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (WA) - Certificate, Death. 35 years Vic
16 years WA.
4 Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (WA) - Certificate, Death. 16 years WA.