Mabel Ann Hill (1876-) |
Mabel Ann HillGeneral Notes: Another copy of the photo is captioned "Mabel 1881" Mabel married George Percy Rowe in 1898 in Victoria.1 |
1 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Family Name: HILL Given Name(s): Mabel Anne Sex: Unknown Event: MARRIAGE Father's Name: Mother's Name: Spouse's Family Name: ROWE Spouse's Given Name(s): Geo Percy Age: Birth Place: BALACLAVA Death Place: Registration Year: 1898 Registration Number: 3530.
2 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Birth. Family Name: HILL Given Name(s): Mabel Ann Sex: Unknown Event: BIRTH Father's Name: Benjamin Mother's Name: PITT - Mary Spouse's Family Name: Spouse's Given Name(s): Age: Birth Place: ST KI Death Place: Registration Year: 1876 Registration Number: 12544.