Charles Ernest Lionel Mortimer
(1901-) |
Charles Ernest Lionel Mortimer 1Chronology: He worked as a Solicitor in 1925 and resided at Wagga Wagga, NSW. 1 Charles married Vera Emily Hayball, daughter of Herbert Walter Hayball and Ada Emily Weeks, on 17 Dec 1925.1 (Vera Emily Hayball was born on 10 Oct 1897 in Brighton 3 and died in 1965 in Sydney 4.) |
1 Doris Hayball (c1965); Wells, Helen and William (2006), Various Others, Hayball Family File at Brighton Historical Society.
FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales,, Births Sep 1901 3
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Birth. Name: HAYBALL - Vera EmilyEvent Type: Birth Sex: FAge: - Place: BRTNYear: 1897 Reg. Number: 26131Father: - Herbt WaltMother: WEEKS - Ada EmilySpouse: - .
Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW (Online),, 642/1965 MORTIMER VERA EMILY HERBERT E ADA EMILY SYDNEY.
Charles Ernest L