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John Grant
(Cal 1670-)
Helen Ogilvie
John Ord
Elizabeth Innes
(Cir 1690-)
Patrick Grant
Helen Ord
(Bef 1715-)
Helen Grant


Family Links

Helen Grant 1

  • Christened: 18 Sep 1733, Rathven 2

   Another name for Helen was Nellie Grant.


  General Notes:

There are some indications that the parents of Helen/Nellie and Kattie may have been George Grant and Magdeline Gordon. This couple had a "Catherine" b 1744 but there is no record of a Nellie or Helen. Even so if we look at the names of Nellie's children we find George and Magdaline to be the names we would expect for her parents. Also, Patrick and Helen's names are not represented in the Alexander and Nellie's children's names. All the more a birth date of 1733 seems a bit early for Nellie who married in 1763 and had her last child in 1774. On the other hand there is the earlier child Donald mentioned below. I think here are strong indications that the two are sisters with their weddings a day apart and the reference to "Mrs Innes, grandaunt to the child" at John Duncan's 1789 baptism.

Note that George Grant was minister at Rathven in 1764 at the time of Magedelene's baptism. Likely Robert Grant who was minister at Cullen for about 50 years until 1809 (mentioned below) was related.

(I've included George Grant and family linked by "Source of" Grants)


1 ImportPTGray database.

2 Scotland's People - Index,, 18/09/1733 GRANT HELEN PATRICK GRANT/HELEN ORD FR62 F RATHVEN 164/00 0001