Marion Crawford
(Bef 1690-)
Jannet Adamson
(Bef 1705-)


Family Links

George Hacket

Jannet Adamson

  • Born: Bef 1705
  • Marriage: George Hacket on 6 Mar 1717/18 in Rathen, Aberdeen 1


Jannet married George Hacket, son of (Source of Hackets) Hacket and Unknown, on 6 Mar 1717/18 in Rathen, Aberdeen.1 (George Hacket was born about 1690, died in 1756 in Memsie, Aberdeen and was buried in "old churchyard at Fraserburgh " 2.)

  Marriage Notes:

"There were then several families of the name of Hacket, both in Eathcn and Fraserburgh ; and the only record I have seen of the schoolmaster's marriage (after searching the registers of Fraserburgh, Tyrie, Crimond, Strichen, and Eathen) occurs in the last mentioned register, where, under the date of 6th March, 1718, it is recorded that " George Hacket, schoolmaster at Eathen, and Jannet Adamson, daughter of Marion Crawford, in Rathen, were married, having been 3 several Lord's dayes publickly proclaimed in order thereunto."


1 Scotland's People - Index,, Marriage. 06/03/1718 HACKET GEORGE JANNET ADAMSON/ M RATHEN /ABERDEEN 235/00 0010 0258.

2 Web (Misc), "(Buchan) adds that he died at Memsie in 1756, and " was buried within the old churchyard at Fraserburgh, at the west end of the aisle.".