Elizabeth Mckenna
(Cal 1833-1872)


Family Links

David Marquis

Elizabeth Mckenna

  • Born: Cal 1833
  • Marriage: David Marquis in 1857 in Glasgow
  • Died: 1872, Glasgow 1


Elizabeth married David Marquis, son of John Marquis and Jean McQueen, in 1857 in Glasgow. (David Marquis was born Cal 1835 in Glasgow 2 and died after 1881.)


1 Scotland's People - Index, www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, 1872 MARQUIS ELIZABETH MCKENNA F 32 ANDERSTON GLASGOW CITY/LANARK 644/08 0094

2 Scotland's People - Document Image, www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, 1841C, 1851C, 1857 Marriage.