Francis Boyle
General Notes: His marraige certificate gives his mother's maiden name as "Graham" but this likely to have been a mistake. All points to his partents being John Boyle and Agnes Vance. Chronology: He worked as a Scholar in 1891 and resided at 19 Sth Wellington St, Hutchesontown. 2 (with brothers Hugh and John, and sister Agnes) He worked as a Brass Foundry Labourer in 1901 and resided at 94 King St, Tradeston. 3 He worked as a Nightwatchaman in 1926 and resided at Usual Res - 48 King St, Calton. 4 (sister was informant - Mary Jane Cochrane) |
1 Scotland's People - Document Image,, 1881C.
2 Scotland's People - Document Image,, 1891C.
3 Scotland's People - Document Image,, Marriage.
4 Scotland's People - Document Image,, Death.