Moses Hayball
Maria Hawker
(Cir 1806-Bef 1861)
Joseph Hayball
(Cir 1833-1899)
(Cir 1837-)
Joseph Edward Hayball


Family Links


Joseph Edward Hayball 1

  • Born: 20 Aug 1860, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, England 2
  • Marriage: Alice


He worked as a Royal Navy circa 1876 and resided at Devonport?. 3 (On Impregnable - from Wikipeadia:
"Ten ships of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Impregnable:
Impregnable was a 98-gun second-rate ship of the line launched in 1786 and wrecked in 1799 near Chichester.
Impregnable was another 98-gun second-rate launched in 1810, renamed Kent in 1888, renamed Caledonia in 1891, and sold in 1906.
In 1862 the second Impregnable was used as a training ship at Devonport. As training ships were replaced or added to the establishment, each was renamed Impregnable when she took on the role. "

He worked as a Masons Laborer in 1881 and resided at Jersey, Channel Islands, England. 4


Joseph married Alice. (Alice was born circa 1866 5.)


1 Michael Hayball, Michael Hayball Gedcom (Records containing this source were originally provided by Michael Hayball of Detroit in July 2008 via the gedcom file Hayball.ged. These may have changed since then and if so sources are recorded.)

2 National Archives UK, Seamen's Records ADM 188/103 Name Hayball, Joseph Edward Official Number: 94038 Place of Birth: Saint Heliers Jersey.

3 National Archives UK, Seamen's Record.

4 Mormom Church, 1881 English Census.

5 1891 English Census.