George Hayball
(Cir 1848-Bef 1926) |
George Hayball 1 2 3
Chronology: He worked as a Farmer Of 160 Acres in 1881 and resided at Marshwood, Devon, England. 4 George married Rhoda Broughton. (Rhoda Broughton was born circa 1852.) |
1 Michael Hayball, Michael Hayball Gedcom (Records containing this source were originally provided by Michael Hayball of Detroit in July 2008 via the gedcom file Hayball.ged. These may have changed since then and if so sources are recorded.)
2 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ordinance Index (R) (1993 02 28 Edition).
3 LDS Church ordinance (living or proxy)., Film #: 538220, Page #: , Ordinance #:.
4 Mormom Church, 1881 English Census.