Eric Gustaf Adolf Brattstrom
Eric Gustaf Adolf Brattstrom 2Eric married Edith Margaret Hayball, daughter of Edwin Hayball and Elizabeth Roe, in 1890 in Brighton.1 (Edith Margaret Hayball was born on 14 Feb 1869 in Brighton 4 5.) |
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Marriage 1890. Name: HAYBALL - Edith Margt
Event Type: Marriage Sex: F
Age: - Place: BRTN
Year: 1890 Reg. Number: 4075
Father: -
Mother: -
Spouse: BRATTSTROM - Eric Gustaf Adolf.
2 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Marriage 1890.
3 Doris Hayball (c1965); Wells, Helen and William (2006), Various Others, Hayball Family File at Brighton Historical Society.
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Birth. Name: HAYBALL - Edith Margaret
Event Type: Birth Sex:
Age: - Place: BRIGHTON
Year: 1869 Reg. Number: 7075
Father: - Edwin
Mother: ROE - Elizabeth
Spouse: -.
5 Birthday Book CMH, Feb 14 1870 overwritten with 1869.