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Thomas Collins Hayball
Sarah Anne Newberry
(Cir 1830-Cir 1885)
Thomas Hayball
Sarah Ann Clark
(Cir 1852-1898)
William Hayball


Family Links

Grace Emily Potter

William Hayball 2

  • Born: 1890, Chard, Somerset, England 3 4
  • Marriage: Grace Emily Potter in 1911 in Shoreditch (reg) 1


He resided in 1901 in 33 Rushton St, Shoreditch. 5 (with his two sisters Kate, 22, and Edith, 17, at the home of his Aunt Rhoda (nee Hayball) and her husband William Smith, who is shown as blind and unemployed - Rhoda is recorded as a dressmaker at home on "own account")

He worked as a Toolmaker in 1924. 6


William married Grace Emily Potter in 1911 in Shoreditch (reg).1 (Grace Emily Potter was born in 1891 in Shoreditch (reg) 7.)


1 FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales,, Marriages Jun 1911
Hayball William Shoreditch 1c 164
Potter Grace E Shoreditch 1c 164.

2 Michael Hayball, Michael Hayball Gedcom (Records containing this source were originally provided by Michael Hayball of Detroit in July 2008 via the gedcom file Hayball.ged. These may have changed since then and if so sources are recorded.)

3 1891 English Census.

4 FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales,, Births Jun 1890
Hayball William Chard 5c 387.

5 Online Census and BMD,, 1901C.

6 GenesReunited,, Aron Robinson. (probably from GAH birth cert.)

7 FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales,, Births Dec 1891
Potter Grace Emily Shoreditch 1c 93.