George Innes
(Bef 1750-)
Mary Mitchell
(Bef 1750-)
David Milne
(-Bef 1811)
George Innes
Jane Milne
(Cal 1791-1836)
John Alexander Innes
(1816-Cal 1828)


Family Links

John Alexander Innes

  • Christened: 23 Dec 1816, Cullen, Banff, Scotland 1
  • Died: Cal 1828 2


1 Scotland's People - Index,, 23/12/1816INNESJOHN ALEXANDERGEORGE INNES/JANE MILNEUCullen/BANFF150/ 0040 0258.

2 Sheena Charles Web Site (, (33) Sacred to the memory of MARY ANN, of ELIZABETH, and of JOHN ALEXANDER, children of the Revd. GEORGE INNES, Minister of Cullen, and his wife, Mrs. JANE MILNE, who died in the second, first, and sixth year of their respective ages. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.