(Source of) Innes
(Wife of Source of)
John Grant
(Cal 1670-)
Helen Ogilvie
Robert Innes
(Bef 1700-)
Anna Grant
Helen Innes


Family Links

Helen Innes

  • Born: 27 Aug 1725, Cullen, Banff, Scotland 1

  General Notes:

Robert Innes Wigmaker in Cullen had a child baptised named Helen, born of his wife Ann Grant Wednesday 25th current(?) so assigned after helen Dunbar Lady to Collector Ogilvie, Helen Ogilvie and Helen Innes. Witnesses Mr James Lawtie Minister, Alexander Grant in Tochieniel and Patrick Grant, Merchant in Cullen.


1 Scotland's People - Document Image,, Robert Innes Wigmaker in Cullen had a child baptised named Helen, born of his wife Ann Grant Wednesday 25th current(?) so assigned after helen Dunbar Lady to Collector Ogilvie, Helen Ogilvie and Helen Innes. Witnesses Mr James Lawtie Minister, Alexander Grant in Tochieniel and Patrick Grant, Merchant in Cullen.