John Winrow
General Notes:
1838 Jul 9 John WINROW 15 housebreaking/stealing jewellery etc 6 months hard labour
1838 Jul 9 Stephen WINROW 39 receiving stolen goods 14 years transportation
Stephen Winrow/marr/6 children/father of John Winrow convicted at same sessions/ silk throwster/b.Derby/kin Derby/can read & write/16 stolen rabbits/ brown hair/grey eyes/fresh complexion/thin face/slight build/protruberance front part of head/5'4"tall/ scars left side upper lip & left thumb/4th finger nail damaged/ 1838/Oct/hulk "Justitia"/Woolwich/ New South Wales 2 Nov 1838/ship "John Barry"/ "bad character & connections" 1845/May 12/ticket of leave 45/913/district Scone/ conditional pardon 20 Sep 1849