Margaret Isobel Sais
(Cal 1887-) |
Margaret Isobel Sais 2Margaret married John Paterson McDonell, son of Thomas McDonell and Margaret Paterson, in 1914 in Victoria.1 (John Paterson McDonell was born on 20 Oct 1869 in Anderson St, Emerald Hill 4 5 and died in 1941 in Kew 6.) |
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Family Name:MCDONNELL
Given Name(s):Jno Paterson
Spouse's Family Name:SAIS
Spouse's Given Name(s):Margt Isabel
Registration Year:1914
Registration Number:6539.
2 NLA Newspapers online (TROVE), McDONELL.-On August 27, over Tripoli, Flying Officer John Paterson McDonell, in M.E. since April 1941, only child of late J. P. McDonell and Mrs. M. I. McDonell, 1207 Burke road, East Kew, aged 25 years 10 months. -My beloved son.
3 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate,, Marriage 1914.
4 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Birth. Name: MCDONELL - John PatersonEvent Type: Birth Sex: Age: - Place: EMERALD HLYear: 1869 Reg. Number: 22228Father: - ThomasMother: PATERSON - MargaretSpouse: - .
5 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate,, Birth.
6 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Family Name: MCDONELL Given Name(s): John Paterson Sex: Unknown Event: DEATH Father's Name: Mcdonell Thos Mother's Name: PATERSON - Margaret Spouse's Family Name: Spouse's Given Name(s): Age: 71 Birth Place: Death Place: Kew Registration Year: 1941 Registration Number: 10103.