Isabella Ann Hurst


Family Links

Thomas Byers Green

Isabella Ann Hurst 2

  • Born: 17 Jan 1861 3
  • Marriage: Thomas Byers Green on 12 Sep 1886 in Saint Bartholomew Parish Church 1
  • Died: 8 Mar 1945, Smithfield Market 4


PHOTO: WW1 Soldiers "Australian Cousin". 5 These photos were passed down from Isabella and as yet are unidentified.

PHOTO: 6 Originally we thought they were Percival and Maurice Fry but they have now been eliminated as candidates based on the "A" appearing on one of the soldier's shoulder patches. According to the Austrlian War Memorial this indicates service at Gallipolli which was before the Fry brothers enlisted.

Other possibilities are :

Horace Leslie Weeks b.1895 Signed up 1916.
Norman Graham Weeks b. 28 Jul 1897. Signed up 1918 (Think we can discount him as he didn't leave Australia)
Rupert Montague Weeks b.1892 Signed up 1915.

Other families besides the Fry & Weeks could be the Manning's, Smith's & William's.


Isabella married Thomas Byers Green, son of Thomas Green and Eleanor Elizabeth Smith, on 12 Sep 1886 in Saint Bartholomew Parish Church.1 (Thomas Byers Green was born on 12 May 1860 in Islington 7 and died on 1 Jul 1898 in England 8.)


1 Online Census and BMD,, London Parish Records.

2 Web (Misc), Photos JT email 20100520. Isabella Ann Hurst & Son Thomas Byers Green (postcard dated 29 Aug 1917).

3 JT Emails, Isabella Ann Hurst b. 17 Jan 1861, d. 8 Mar 1945. Have certificates.

4 Web (Misc), JT. Isabella Ann Green (Hurst) in the photo, was herself killed in the 2nd W.W. in Smithfield Market (Age 84)

5 Web (Misc), JT Email 2010.

6 War Memorial (Australia), Email AWM 2010. ----- Original Message -----
From: Photographs
Sent: Mon Mar 21 9:08
Subject: Fwd: RE: Maurice Leslie Fry and Percival Gordon Fry

Dear ..,

Thank you for your email regarding the photographs of Maurice Leslie Fry and Percival Gordon Fry and my apologies for the delay in contacting you.

Provided that the image is clear we can sometimes identify the battalion based on the colour patch worn on the shoulder of the uniform or for example, if the soldier is wearing leather leggings that they served in the artillery. However, we are unable to provide identifications and do not conduct extensive research into material that is not held in the Memorial's collection.

I must also advise you that when considering portraits for inclusion in the National Collection we require the donor to supply the identification of the serviceman. Relatives of those photographed can sometimes confirm this through original annotations and captions recorded on photographs, comparative portraits or through supporting documents in the form of personal diaries and letters. Please also note that we do not collect portraits of everyone who has served and instead assess original material for those who died during conflict and significant medal winners.

I have reviewed the portraits you submitted with the curators in our Military Heraldry and Technology section and they have advised that the soldier's colour patches are too obscured for them to identify their battalion. However, they have pointed out that in the portrait of the two men together one is wearing an Anzac 'A' badge on his shoulder, indicating that this soldier took part in the 1915 Gallipoli campaign (for further information on the Anzac badge please see: <>; <>; <>). We have noted that the enlistment dates you have provided for both Maurice Leslie Fry and Percival Gordon Fry mean that they could not have partaken in this campaign.

IR17;m afraid that I am unable to offer any further guidance on how you could confirm that these soldiers are who they are purported to be. It might be beneficial to ask your relative who holds the originals to check the backs of the photographs or compare them to other material held by the family.

If you have any further questions about uniforms or colour patches please feel free to contact our Military Heraldry and Technology section via <javascript:top.opencompose('','','','')>. If you have any questions about researching relatives and accessing service dossiers and unit diaries you will need to contact our Research Centre on <javascript:top.opencompose('','','','')>.

Thank you again for your enquiry and for your patience throughout this process.

Kind regards,

Assistant Curator - Photographs
Australian War Memorial


7 JT Emails, Thomas Byers Green b. 12 May 1860, d. 1 Jul 1898. Have certificates, plus marriage cert.


8 Web (Misc), JT.