Jane Nairn
(Cal 1852-) |
Jane Nairn
Another name for Jane was Jessie Nairn. Jane married Alfred Williams, son of William Williams and Ruth Smith, on 18 Sep 1873 in "Res of Mrs Nairn", Adelaide, South Australia.1 2 (Alfred Williams was born in 1848,3 died on 4 Jul 1930 in Elphinstone Street, Footscray, Victoria 4 5 and was buried on 7 Jul 1930 in New Melbourne Cemetery.) |
1 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Death AW 1930. South Australia at 26 years to Jane Nairn.
2 Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (South Australia), Marriage Index. WILLIAMS Alfred 24y S (f William Williams) m 18 Sep 1873 NAIRN Jessie 21y S (f John Nairn) at Res of Mrs Nairn Adelaide dist Ade b96 p671.
3 JT Emails, Alfred Jun Q 1848.
JT Emails, This one the age is right, mother is right, father's name is wrong.
Family Name: WILLIAMS
Given Name(s): Alfred
Sex: Unknown
Event: DEATH
Father's Name: Williams Alfred
Mother's Name: SMITH - Ruth
Spouse's Family Name:
Spouse's Given Name(s):
Age: 82
Birth Place:
Death Place: Fcray
Registration Year: 1930
Registration Number: 9530
Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, Australia Death Index, 1787-1985
about Alfred Williams
Name: Alfred Williams
Death Place: Footscray, Victoria
Age: 82
Father's Name: Alfred Williams
Mother's Name: Ruth Smith
Registration Year: 1930
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration Number: 9530