(Source of) Robertson
Isabella Robertson
(Cal 1772-Between 1841/1869)


Family Links

James McCallum

Isabella Robertson

  • Born: Cal 1772, (not Banff) 1
  • Marriage: James McCallum before 1794
  • Died: Between 1841 and 1869 2


Isabella married James McCallum, son of Unknown and Unknown, before 1794. (James McCallum was born Cal 1757 in (not Banff) 3 and was buried on 7 Nov 1841 in Gamrie, Banff 4.)


1 Scotland's People - Document Image, www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, 1841C.

2 Scotland's People - Document Image, www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, Death son WM 1869.

3 Scotland's People - Document Image, www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, 1841C. 80, Ind., not Banff
84 at 1841 burial.

4 Scotland's People - Document Image, www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, Burial. 84, of Gardenstown.