(Source of Forgue) Harper
Alexander Harper
(Bef 1760-After 1787)
Mary Fraser
(Bef 1760-After 1787)
Alexander Harper


Family Links

Isabel Stewart

Alexander Harper

  • Christened: 20 Jul 1780, Forgue, Aberdeenshire 1
  • Marriage: Isabel Stewart before 1810
  • Died: 12 Mar 1855, Newtown of Tullo?


He worked as a Retired Mason in 1851 and resided at Bogover, Inverkeithny, Banff. 2 (widowed and with son Alexander and family)

He worked as a Stone Mason before 1855 and resided at Riach, Forgue, Aberdeen. 3


Alexander married Isabel Stewart before 1810. (Isabel Stewart was born before 1790 and died before 1855.)


1 Scotland's People - Document Image, www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, 20/07/1780HARPERALEXANDERALEXANDER HARPER/MFORGUE/ABERDEEN194/00 0010 0292 RAICH.

2 Scotland's People - Document Image, www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, 1851C.

3 Scotland's People - Document Image, www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, Death.