William George Hanson Ellson
(Bef 1880-)
Edith Lucy Farr
(Bef 1880-)
Linley Gertrude Ellson


Family Links

Rupert Percy Whalley

Linley Gertrude Ellson

  • Born: 1898, Victoria, Australia 2
  • Marriage: Rupert Percy Whalley in 1925 in Victoria 1


She worked as a Home Duties in 1919 and resided at 193 Hotham St, Balaclava. 3 (no other Ellsons on roll)

She worked as a Home Duties in 1924 and resided at 193 Hotham St, Balaclava. 4 (with father, mother and siblings)


Linley married Rupert Percy Whalley in 1925 in Victoria.1 (Rupert Percy Whalley was born Cal 1894 5 and died in 1969 in Victoria.)


1 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Marriage. Family Name:ELLSON
Given Name(s):Linley Gerte
Spouse's Family Name:WHALLEY
Spouse's Given Name(s):Rupert Percy
Registration Year:1925
Registration Number:1547

2 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Name:Linley Gertrude Euson
Father's Name:Wm Geo Hanson Euson
Mother's name:Edith Lucy St E Farr
Birth Place:Victoria, Victoria
Registration Year:1898
Registration Place:Victoria
Registration number:14577.

3 Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, Electoral roll.

4 Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, Electoral Roll.

5 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Family Name:ELLSON
Given Name(s):Linley Gerte
Spouse's Family Name:WHALLEY
Spouse's Given Name(s):Rupert Percy
Registration Year:1925
Registration Number:1547.