Michael Jarret
(Abt 1950-)


Family Links

Michael Jarret

  • Born: Abt 1950

  General Notes:

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the sharing invitation. I accepted for all the kits I manage and then did a Family Inheritance compare against me, my dad's sister and my mum and two of her sisters. The strongest match is with me on C1,C6 and C18 (33cM). You match my mum (20cM) and her sisters (6 and 18cM) on C6 and C18. You don't match my dad's sister or of the cousins I've identified on that side.

I guess this could mean that you and I share two common ancestors, one on my mum's side and one on my dad's side. His ancestry is pretty strightforward, the Nottingham area at least back to the late 1700s and probably well before. My mum's on one side is Scotland (Argyll, Banff and Sutherland), Yorkshire, Cornwall/Devon/Dorset/Somerset and Guernsey/Portsmouth/Bath.

If you're intersted we could try and pin down the connection. I can give you a lot more detail that might help.

Kind regards
