Emma Mary Swingler
(1846-) |
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Birth. Family Name: SWINGLER Given Name(s): Emma Mary Sex: Female Event: BIRTH Father's Name: William Mother's Name: - CHARLOTTE Spouse's Family Name: Spouse's Given Name(s): Age: Birth Place: PORTLAND Death Place: Registration Year: 1846 Registration Number: 30717.
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, SWINGLER, Emma M EB 1996746 ChristeningFather: WilliamMother: CharlotteReg Year: 1845Reg State: New South WalesRef Number: V18453576 31A Parish: Belfast; Port Fairy; Portland(Vic), Churchof England***********************************SWINGLER, Emma Mary EB 1996747 ChristeningSex: Female Father: WilliamMother: CharlotteEvent Place: PortlandReg Year: 1846Reg State: VictoriaRef Number: 30717 Parish: St Stephens Portland, CofE. from http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/AUS-VIC-GIPPSLAND/2001-06/0993123624.