Charlotte Hayball
(1811-1896) |
Charlotte Hayball 2 3
Chronology: She emigrated in 1841 from England To Port Phillip. 6 Charlotte married William Swingler in 1844 in St James' (Vic), Church Of England, Melbourne.1 |
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Marriage 1844/4821. Family Name: SWINGLER Given Name(s): William Sex: Male Event: MARRIAGE Father's Name: Mother's Name: Spouse's Family Name: HAYBALL Spouse's Given Name(s): Charlotte Age: Birth Place: Death Place: Registration Year: 1844 Registration Number: 4821
SWINGLER, William EM 949017 Marriage
Spouse: HAYBALL, Charlotte
Index Year: 1844
Reg Year: 1844
Reg State: New South Wales
Ref Number: V1844688 29 Parish: Melbourne, St James' (Vic), Church of
2 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) www.familysearch.org/, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998.
3 Letter - Doris Hayball 1960 2 sided typed sheet, 1.5 pages handwritten - incomplete Given to RB 1960s.
4 Hayball, Eugenie, Family Tree, Somerset UK, 1986.
5 database(http://www.slsa.sa.gov.au/manning/ : accessed 28/6/08), http://www.slsa.sa.gov.au/manning/pn/l/l2.htm#leawoodG; "Lefevre Peninsular ..... An obituary of Mrs Charlotte Swingler is in the Register, 31 August 1896, page 5a,...."; Lefevre Peninsular is just north of Port Adelaide.
6 http://www.records.nsw.gov.au (state records of NSW), SURNAMEFIRSTNAMEAGEEVENTSVESSELYEARREELREMARKS HAYBALLCharlotteDuchess of Northumberland18412143A HAYBALLRobert and ElizaDuchess of Northumberland18412143A.