Ethel Meeres (1867-1954) |
Ethel Meeres 2
Ethel married Ernest Shaw, son of Alfred Henry Shaw and Hannah Heywood, on 20 Oct 1887 in Cheltenham.1 (Ernest Shaw was born on 27 May 1864 in Caulfield,7 8 9 died on 24 Dec 1923 in 7 Woodside Crescent, Toorak 10 and was buried on 25 Dec 1923 in St Kilda Cemetery, Melbourne, , Victoria, Australia 11.) |
1 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Marriage. Name: SHAW - ErnestEvent Type: Marriage Sex: MAge: - Place: CAULFIELDYear: 1887 Reg. Number: 7329Father: - Mother: - Spouse: MEERES - Ethel.
2 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, 1887/7329. ES & EM - MC.
3 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Death.
4 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Birth. MEERES Ethel B Walt WALKER - Emily Margaret 1867 1276.
5 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Marriage.
6 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Death. Name: SHAW - EthelEvent Type: Death Sex: Age: 87 - Place: BrigYear: 1954 Reg. Number: 14223Father: Meeres Walter - Mother: - Spouse: - .
7 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, 1864/18519.
8 Photo Albums Digital images stored in Albums folder, Album 003 - 003.
9 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home.
10 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Death.
Web (Misc), http://www.necropolis.com.au/mainindex.htm. Ref:35357
Loc:Baptist - Monumental Grave, Compt B Grave 057