William Robert Hale
(1891-1949) |
William Robert Hale
- Born: 1891, Kyneton 1
- Died: 1949
He had an estate probated in 1949. 2
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Birth 1891/34583.
NLA Newspapers online (TROVE), WILLIAM ROBERT HALE. Late of 60A
Edward Street, Sandringham, 8hare Clerk, Deceased.-After fourteen clear days James Hall Taylor, of 16. Nathan grove. Caulfield, building supervisor, and Austin Perrv Kennan, of Edwards. Dunlop, and Company Limited, of Lonsdale street, Melbourne, paper mer- chant the executors appointed by de- ceased's will, dated the eleventh day of August, 1948. will APPLY to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant of PROBATE of the said WILL.
Dated the fourteenth day of April,1949.