Matthew Andrew McDonell (1873-) |
Matthew Andrew McDonell
General Notes: In 1892 there was an "Andrew McDonell" at 10 (now 8) Anderson St Sth Melb. It seems possible if not likely that this was Matthew Andrew McDonell whose parents were then living opposite. The photo on this page has on the back what looks like either "Mr McDonell" or "M A McDonell" , "10 Anderson Street South Melbourne". I'd estimate it was taken before 1900 which would have Matthew only in his twenties and this man looks a little older than that. Could it be his father? His name could have been written n the back if he had been the customer maybe having a copy made of an earlier photo? Chronology: Kindly supplied in January 2010 by Vintage Cards for use on this site. Vintage Cards received it as one of a set of loose photographs from a dealer. The other photos which are possibly related can be found here . Please email me at the above address if you can identify any of these. 2 He worked as a Storekeeper in 1933 and resided at 90 Pittwater Rd, Gladesville, NSW. 3 Matthew married Ethel May. |
1 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Family Name: MCDONELL Given Name(s): Matthew Andrew Sex: Unknown Event: BIRTH Father's Name: Thos Mother's Name: PATERSON - Margaret Spouse's Family Name: Spouse's Given Name(s): Age: Birth Place: EMERALD H Death Place: Registration Year: 1873 Registration Number: 2373.
2 Vintage Cards (www.vintagecards.com.au).
3 Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, Electoral Roll.