John McNab
(Bef 1760-After 1841)
Ann Ferguson
(Bef 1760-)
Peter McNab
Ann Campbell
(Cal 1790-After 1841)
Donald McNab
(Cal 1816-)


Family Links

Janet McIntyre

Donald McNab

  • Born: Cal 1816, Argyll 2
  • Marriage: Janet McIntyre on 25 Feb 1844 in Kilbrandon/Kilchattan, Argyll 1


He worked as a Smith in 1841 and resided at Kilbride Seil. 3 (with his parents and siblings)

He worked as a Blacksmith in 1851 and resided at Adencaple, Seil. 4

In 1861 he was a Blacksmith in Achelenan?, Muckairn, Argyll. Note that close by is an Alex McIntyre, 38 b Kilmanen( ? as for Janet). This is also close by the Ferguson farm where we find William and Peter McNab in 1891. 5


Donald married Janet McIntyre, daughter of McIntyre and Flora, on 25 Feb 1844 in Kilbrandon/Kilchattan, Argyll.1 (Janet McIntyre was born Cal 1815 in Kilbrandon, Argyll 4.)


1 Scotland's People - Document Image,, 25/02/1844 MCNAB DONALD JANET MCINTYRE/FRCH2V2 M KILBRANDON/ KILCHATTAN 515/00 0002No Image 25/02/1844 MCNAB DONALD JANET MCINTYRE/FR258 M KILBRANDON/ KILCHATTAN 515/00 0002No Image.

2 Web (Misc), KILBRIDE MCNAB Donald 24.

3 Scotland's People - Document Image,, 1841C.

4 Scotland's People - Document Image,, 1851C.

5 Scotland's People - Document Image,, 1861C.