Janet McIntyre
(Cal 1815-) |
Janet McIntyre
Janet married Donald McNab, son of Peter McNab and Ann Campbell, on 25 Feb 1844 in Kilbrandon/Kilchattan, Argyll.1 (Donald McNab was born Cal 1816 in Argyll 3.) |
1 Scotland's People - Document Image, www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, 25/02/1844 MCNAB DONALD JANET MCINTYRE/FRCH2V2 M KILBRANDON/ KILCHATTAN 515/00 0002No Image 25/02/1844 MCNAB DONALD JANET MCINTYRE/FR258 M KILBRANDON/ KILCHATTAN 515/00 0002No Image.
2 Scotland's People - Document Image, www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, 1851C.
3 Web (Misc), KILBRIDE MCNAB Donald 24.