John Binnie (Bef 1847-1930) |
John Binnie
Chronology: He resided from about 1885 to 1900 in "Chevy Chase", Hampton St, Brighton. 4 5 PHOTO: John, Mrs Binnie and family, friends on lawn one hot Sunday afternoon, 1890 ?, Chevy Chase. 6 He worked as an Importer associated with Ball & Welch. 7 John married Janet McFarlane in 1867 in Victoria.1 (Janet McFarlane was born before 1850 2 and died in 1929 in Chatswood, NSW 8.) |
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Family Name: BINNIE Given Name(s): John Sex: Unknown Event: MARRIAGE Father's Name: Mother's Name: Spouse's Family Name: MCFARLANE Spouse's Given Name(s): Janet Age: Birth Place: LANARK Death Place: Registration Year: 1867 Registration Number: 721
2 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Marriage.
3 Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW (Online),, 7798/1930 BINNIE JOHN JAMES CHRISTINA CHATSWOOD.
Lewis, Miles, Melbourne Mansions, Record 1488. Les Lowe, Chevy Chase (booklet, Brighton East [Vic] no date, apparently 1970s), on MBL file. Built 1881 for Andrew Thomson [sic] (b c 1844) of Collins Book Publishers, later of Thomson & Niven, Lonsdale St. His partner Niven built 'Ratho'. Built on 10 acres back from Hampton St close to South Road, with grounds back to the present Canberra Grove, and driveway on approximately the line of Were St extension. His wife was Jane Kay. In 1885 he retired, sold the property and returned to England, but came back to live at Middle Crescent, Brighton, and died aged 84.
The property was bought by John Binnie and his wife Janet, who changed the name to 'Chevy Chase' and added three acres to the grounds in 1888. [Photo annotated by Darren Overend indicates rear addition dated by Overend at c1888]. Binnie was an importer, later associated with Ball & Welch. Eric Moorehead leased it from December 1900 to December 1901 with an option to buy for £6,000 [unclear, but it sounds as though he exercised it].
5 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,
6 Photo Albums Digital images stored in Albums folder, 002_020.
7 Lewis, Miles, Melbourne Mansions, Record 1488.
8 Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW (Online),, 16595/1929 BINNIE JANET JAMES MARY CHATSWOOD.