Jessie Jean Binnie
(1877-) |
Jessie Jean BinnieGeneral Notes: "(Lady Gillespie) lives in Wahroonga " Violet Yuille Jessie married Robert Winton Gillespie in 1903 in Victoria.1 (Robert Winton Gillespie was born Cal 1865 in St Kilda.) |
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Family Name: BINNIE Given Name(s): Jessie Jean Sex: Unknown Event: MARRIAGE Father's Name: Mother's Name: Spouse's Family Name: GILLESPIE Spouse's Given Name(s): Robt Winton Age: Birth Place: LONDON Death Place: Registration Year: 1903 Registration Number: 7038
Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, Jessie Jane Binnie Year of Registration: 1877 Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec District: Hendon County: Greater London, Middlesex Volume: 3a Page: 150