Robert Winton Gillespie
(Cal 1865-) |
Robert Winton Gillespie
General Notes: (See Australian Dictionary of Biography entry at Robert married Jessie Jean Binnie, daughter of John Binnie and Janet McFarlane, in 1903 in Victoria.1 (Jessie Jean Binnie was born in 1877 in Hendon, London 2.) |
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Family Name: BINNIE Given Name(s): Jessie Jean Sex: Unknown Event: MARRIAGE Father's Name: Mother's Name: Spouse's Family Name: GILLESPIE Spouse's Given Name(s): Robt Winton Age: Birth Place: LONDON Death Place: Registration Year: 1903 Registration Number: 7038
2 Online Census and BMD,, Jessie Jane Binnie Year of Registration: 1877 Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec District: Hendon County: Greater London, Middlesex Volume: 3a Page: 150