Robert Hayball
Mary Lucas
John Thompson
Sarah Avery
Robert Hayball
Eliza Thompson

Alice Amelia Hayball


Family Links

Alice Amelia Hayball 1

  • Born: 12 Apr 1857, Brighton, Melbourne 2 3
  • Died: 1929, Brighton, Melbourne 4


1 Wills&Probate Copies, TMHale Will.

2 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Birth 1857/4101.

3 Miscellaneous Documents, Hayball Bible. 12 Apr 1857.

4 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Death. Name: HAYBALL - Alice Amelia
Event Type: Death Sex:
Age: 72 - Place: Brighton
Year: 1929 Reg. Number: 13238
Father: Hayball Robert -
Mother: -
Spouse: -.