James Lucas
(Cal 1796-1862/1862)
Patience Garnham
(Cal 1802-1864/1864)
Obadiah Lucas
(Cal 1829-1899)
Sarah Pivett
(Cal 1825-1895)
James Lucas


Family Links

James Lucas

  • Born: Oct to Dec 1862, Ipswich, Suffolk 1 2
  • Died: 1890, Queensland 3

  General Notes:

From Michelle Stephenson .....

"The family settled in the Maryborough area. He was Obadiah Lucas (died 25 March,1899) and wife Sarah (Nee- Pivott)(died 6 July 1895)the children where supposed to be Jane (only to find it was James and he (an oysterman) died by drowning, around the 7th April, 1890, in the Mary River in his 20's."


1 Online Census and BMD,, 1871C.

2 FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales,, Births Dec 1862
LUCAS James Ipswich 4a 562.

3 Regsitry Queensland Historical Index, 1890/C003035 Lucas James Obadiah Lucas Sarah Pivett