Anna McKiernan (Cal 1852-1898) |
Anna McKiernan
Chronology: She immigrated in 1868 to New Zealand. 5 Anna married someone Private Anna next married Samuel Hale, son of Joel Hale and Elizabeth Mitchell, in 1876 in Auckland, New Zealand.1 (Samuel Hale was born in 1833 in Guernsey, died on 5 Mar 1889 in Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand 6 and was buried on 6 Mar 1889 in Mt Victoria, Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand.) |
Registry of BDM (NZ), 1873/5851 2
Letter - Rosemary Hale 2003 Email including a two page family history. 3
Registry of BDM (NZ), Death. 1898/90 4
Web (Misc), http://www.northshorecity.govt.nz/cemetery/cemetery_details.asp?id=8394. Oneils Point Row E Plot 93.
Registry of BDM (NZ), Death Certificate.
Registry of BDM (NZ), Death. 1889/394
Location Auckland from Death Cert.
Emails - 2007.
(seems likely as the only one before 1900).