Robert Hayball
- Born: 19 Jan 1880, Port Germein, South Australia 2
- Marriage: Bertha McLoud Forman on 12 Apr 1909 in Port Adelaide, South Australia 1
- Died: After 1934
General Notes:
Doris Hayball in the extract below seems to have mixed up this Robert with her cousin Robert George b Melbourne 1878. They seem to have crossed paths in the early 20C in WA but I think the references below the extract are all about this Robert:
"... went to WA and may have been the Hayball known as Bob in the Northern Territory as Station Manager for Kidman, who married and had one daughter Emily........... (Bob may be George) (George went to 1st world war.) Bob Hayball's daughter Emily married Rex Brinkworth and had 4 children. They lived near Alice Springs and now reside at 147 Parade Avenue, Magill, Sth Aust." "George Hayball who may also have been christened Robert after his grandfather (being the only son of the eldest son) but called George to avoid complications may have gone to the NT where Mr William Morton , one time owner of Annaroo Station knew a Bob Hayball, a station manager and later owner and his wife and daughter Emily. Emily later married and became Mrs Breuholt and lived at the "Alice Springs", now lives just outside Adelaide and has 4 children." - Doris Hayball c1965
from Wikipaedia ..."Port Germein is a sea-side town in South Australia, on the east side of Spencer Gulf. It is named after either Captain John Germein or his brother Samuel Germein.[2] It is located 250 kilometres north of Adelaide and 27 kilometres north of Port Pirie. At the 2006 census, Port Germein had a population of 249."
1906 West Australia Electoral Roll - Coolgardie Hayball, R - 17 Mile Creek - Overseer
Birth 1910 Emily Grace Hayball - born Midland Junction, Perth Robert's occupation - Station Manager from Wikipaedia - "Midland, known as Midland Junction, was the site of the Midland Railway Workshops - the main workshops for the Western Australian Government Railways (WAGR) for over 80 years. It was also a terminus for the Midland Railway Company. ........Midland Junction developed around the Town Hall (1906) and Post Office (1913) sites and spread slowly east and north for over 70 years. The centrality of the main services, and the unusual presence of the Midland Railway Company sheds and yard directly adjacent to the Town Hall and Post Office, combined with the Government Railway Workshops, gave a focused sense of location to the commercial centre, and the local residences." Aboriginal Trust Fund Alice Springs 31.10.1940 Name Remarks ............ May Hill H/C Halfcaste. In employment of R Hayball Alice Springs
1934 newspaper article - see files
Robert married Bertha McLoud Forman on 12 Apr 1909 in Port Adelaide, South Australia.1 (Bertha McLoud Forman was born Cal 1875 in Port Adelaide, South Australia 1.)