Alfred James Hayball
(1860-) |
Alfred James Hayball
Another name for Alfred was James Hayball. General Notes: For now I'll park Albert James as Eli's son. We know Eli was widowed and in Beeston in 1861 while Albert James was in the Chard Workhouse and there is a James, 9, with Eli and his mother in 1871. I can't find him after that. Chronology: He resided in 1861 in Chard Union Workhouse. 2 (no obvious relatives with him) He was employed in 1871 in Old Town Buildings, Chard. 3 (with grandmother Elizabeth Hayball ( nee Minson), Pauper, and her sons Eli and Paul |
FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales, www.freebmd.org.uk, Births Mar 1860 2
Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, 1861C.
Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, 1871C.