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Robert Grant
(Cir 1700-Bef 1777)
Jannet Paul
(-After 1777)
Patrick Duncan
(Cir 1700-1760)
Elspet Milne
(Bef 1720-1780)
Robert Grant
(Cal 1730-1808)
Elizabeth Duncan
Robert Grant


Family Links

Robert Grant

  • Born: 30 Jun 1764 1
  • Christened: 9 Jul 1764, Cullen, Banff, Scotland 2


1 Scotland's People - Document Image,, Robert, lawful son to the Reverend Mr Robert Grant Min'r of Cullen & Mrs Elizabeth Duncan was born June 30th & baptised July 9t. Witnesses Nailie Robert Grant Merh't in Elgin Grandfather to the Child Bailie Rob't Taylor Merch't In Cullen Miss Jeanie Duncan Daughter to the late Mr Duncan Min'r of Longbride(?) & Miss Peggie Gordon in Cullen.

2 Scotland's People - Index,, 09/07/1764GRANTROBERTROBERT GRANT/ELIZABETH DUNCANMCullen/BANFF150/ 0030 0255.