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Robert Grant
(Cir 1700-Bef 1777)
Jannet Paul
(-After 1777)
Patrick Duncan
(Cir 1700-1760)
Elspet Milne
(Bef 1720-1780)
Robert Grant
(Cal 1730-1808)
Elizabeth Duncan
Jannet Grant


Family Links

Jannet Grant

  • Born: 29 Apr 1777, Sneilbriein, Deskford
  • Christened: 6 May 1777, Cullen, Banff, Scotland 1

  General Notes:

The Reverend Mr Robert Grant Minister of Cullen and Mrs Elizabeth Duncan his wife had a child Born April 29th and Baptised this day named Jannet Born at Snelbriein the Parish of Deskford (designed after Mrs Jannet Paul Relict of the Deceased Bailie Robert Grant Merch't in Elgin and Grandmother to the Child. Witnesses Mrs Dorothy Paul Spouse to Ja's(?) Duncan Esq're at Shiastown(?) & Mr & Mrs Duncan at Blairock And Mr & Mrs Anderson in Cullen.



Witness: Baptism of Alexander Gray, 1795, Cullen, Banff, Scotland. 2


1 Scotland's People - Index,, 06/05/1777GRANTJANNETROBERT GRANT/ELIZABETH DUNCANUCullen/BANFF150/ 0030 0352.

2 Scotland's People - Document Image,, Cullen May 2nd 1792 the Rev'd Mr Alexander Gray Missionary (?) Minister at Enzie Chapel had a Child by his Wife Mrs Mary Grant Born the 2nd and baptised th e3rd of May named Alexander. Witnesses Mr Alex'r Machanie at Cullen & the Rev Mr Robert Grant Minister of Cullen & Miss Janet Grant daughter of the said Mr Grant and Aunt to the Child.