John Henry Hubert
![]() General Notes: 1843 - FullAge (1823) Dec ![]() Chronology: MISC: with parents on ship Toronto to NY, 1835. 12 He worked as a Carpenter in 1843 and resided at Shepherd's Walk, Islington. 13 ![]() He worked as a Carpenter in Nov 1844 and resided at 21 Apollo Buildings, East Street, Walworth. 14 (assuming that he was living where his son died - the map came from and I'm not sure of the date - late 1800s? Apollo Buildings can be seen above the "OR" of WALWORTH) He worked as a Carpenter in Jun 1850 and resided at Adelaide, South Australia. 2 He worked as a Mariner in Sep 1858 and resided at 99 Rundle St, Adelaide, South Australia. 15 He worked as a Fishmonger in 1860 and resided at Adelaide, South Australia. 16 (owning oyster beds would fit with the ad for the Nottinghamshire Arms) He worked as a Publican 1858 to 1861 and resided at Adelaide, South Australia. 17 He worked as a Gentleman in 1865 and resided at South Hackney. 18 He worked as a Licensed Victualler in 1871 and resided at "BarleyMoor"(?), Duke St, Westminster. 19 (with "Eveline E" ie Caroline E and twin daughters) He worked as a Farmer from 1872 to 1876 and resided at Dublin, South Australia. 20 He worked as a Carpenter in 1881 and resided at Mawbey(?) St, Lambeth. 21 (Alone and recorded as Widower with visitor Lily Cleare, 48) He worked as a Builder (retired) in 1888 and resided at 1 Field Road, Fulham. 22 He worked as a Living on Own Means in 1891 and resided at 1 Field Road, Fulham. 23 (with wife Fanny, 27) He worked as a Carpenter Retired in 1901 and resided at 6 Bassingham St, Wandsworth. 24 (with wife Fanny) He worked as a Retired Carpenter in 1911 and resided at 6 Bassingham Road, Wandsworth. 25 (with wife Fanny and neice Hilda Braithwaite, 9, b Peckham. Hilda is almost certainly the grand-daughter of John's sisiter Sophia and most likely the daughter of Sophia's son Richard and wife Lydia Jane (nee Marshall)) He had an estate probated on 27 Dec 1912 in London. 26 ![]() John married Mary Harriet Bodley, daughter of George Bodley and Jane, on 12 Dec 1843 in St Mary , Islington.1 (Mary Harriet Bodley was christened on 12 Nov 1826 in St James Piccadilly, London 27 and died on 11 Sep 1849 in 22 Broad Street, St Giles 28 29.) Marriage Notes: Witnesses : ? John James and Jane Gray ![]() John next married Mary Taylor on 3 Jun 1850 in Trinity Church, Adelaide, South Austrlia.2 3 (Mary Taylor was born Cal 1827 30 and died on 14 Aug 1867 in Port Adelaide, South Australia 31.) Marriage Notes: Witnesses : James Taylor, Betsy Taylor ![]() John next married Caroline Emma Jorns, daughter of John Jorns and Alice, on 18 Oct 1865 in St John of Jerusalem, Hackney.4 5 (Caroline Emma Jorns was born circa 1845 in Deddington, Oxfordshire 32 and died in 1908 in Swindon (reg) 33.) Marriage Notes: (Witnesses were John's sister Mary and husband) ![]() John had a relationship with Eliza Jane Baker. (Eliza Jane Baker was born circa 1858 34 and died on 2 Oct 1876 in Dublin, South Australia 35 36.) ![]() John next married Susannah Noble, daughter of William Noble and Unknown, on 28 Jul 1876 in Christ Church, O'Halloran Hill, South Australia.6 7 (Susannah Noble was born Cal 1843.) ![]() John next married Fanny Maria Lees on 2 Oct 1888 in The Register Office, Fulham.8 (Fanny Maria Lees was born Cal 1864 in Stafford, Staffordshire 23 and died after 1911.) Marriage Notes: JHH, 65, Widower, |
1 Online Census and BMD,, London Metropolitan Archives, Saint Mary, Islington, Register of marriages, P83/MRY1, Item 1211.
2 Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (South Australia), Marriage Certificate.
Web (Misc), John Henry Hubert 4 Online Census and BMD,, London, England, Marriages and Banns, 1754-1921.
FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales,, Marriages Dec 1865 6
Web (Misc), Group Sheet 7
Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (South Australia), Marriage Index. HUBERT John Henry 45y W (f John B Hubert) m 28 Jul 1876 BARRTETT Susannah 33y W (f William NOBLE) at Christ Church OHalloran Hill dist Ade b108 p317.
FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales,, Marriages Dec 1888 9
Web (Misc), Family 1 10 Online Census and BMD,, 1891 and 1901 census.
FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales,, Deaths Dec 1912 12 Online Census and BMD,, 13 Online Census and BMD,, Marriage.
General Register Office (England & Wales) Certificate,, Death of son JHH.
NLA Newspapers online (TROVE), The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858-1889) Monday 6 September 1858 Page of 2 of 4. 16
NLA Newspapers online (TROVE), The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858-1889) Saturday 2 June 1860 Page 3 of 4. POLICE COURT-PORT ADELAIDE. 18 Online Census and BMD,, Marriage - parish records.
FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales,, 1871C.
NLA Newspapers online (TROVE), AGRICULTURAL AREA SELECTIONS. 21 Online Census and BMD,, 1881C.
General Register Office (England & Wales) Certificate,, Marriage 1888.
23 Online Census and BMD,, 1891C.
24 Online Census and BMD,, 1901C.
1837online (now findmypast),, 1911C.
26 Online Census and BMD,, Nat Prob Cal.
27 Online Census and BMD,, 28
FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales,, Deaths Sep 1849 29
Web (Misc), Email V June 2012. The GRO reference is Deaths 1849 registered St Giles vol 1 page 75 30
Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (South Australia), Marriage 1850. Single 20 years old.
Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (South Australia), Death Index. HUBERT Mary (F) 40y of Port Adelaide d 14 Aug 1867 at Port Adelaide rel John HUBERT (H) dist Ade b28 p227.
32 Online Census and BMD,, 1871C - 1901C.
FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales,, Deaths Mar 1908 34
Web (Misc), Family 3 35
NLA Newspapers online (TROVE).
Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (South Australia), Not found.
Home Search Individual Pedigree Descendancy Relationship Timeline Login
Person ID
Last Modified
Group Sheet
Family 1
Group Sheet
Hubert John Henry Hackney 1b 713
Iorns Caroline Emma Hackney 1b 713
Jorns Caroline Emma Hackney 1b 713.
Family 2
HUBERT John Henry Fulham 1a 559
LEES Fanny Maria Fulham 1a 559.
Hubert John H 89 Wandsworth 1d 736.
New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 about John H Hubert
Arrival Date:
Birth Year:
Port of Departure:
Port of Arrival:
Ship Name:
On Saturday, September 4, of preamonia, John Henry, youngest son of J. H. Hubert, mariner, 99, Rundle-street, aged 17 months, deeply regretted by his parents.
[Before Mr. R. F. Newland, S.M.]
DEUNK.-Charles Wilde, for being drunk and disturbing the peace, was ' fined 10s; and George Hopkins, tor being drunk, ss.
CHARGE OF STEALING. -John Neal appeared to show how he became possessed of a kedge anchor, the property of J. H, Hubert of Adelaide, fishmonger, found on bia pre- mises on a search warrant, May 29th. Mr. Andrews appeared for Mr. Hubert ; Mr. Boykett for defendant J. W. Hubert, sworn, deposed to the anchor produced being his property ; he missed it about March last fioin t ie Bucheron ; it bad formerly been' used as a buoy on the oysterbeda. Saw it last before witness left for the Snowy River; on his return found the anchor gone; obtained a search warrant, and found it on Neal's premises. John Taylor, late master of the Star, knew the anchor produced as one brought up by the dredge'on the oyster ground at th17
NLA Newspapers online (TROVE), Various references. The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858-1889)
Thursday 5 August 1858 Page 3 of 4
PUBLICANS' LAWS.-John Henry Hubert, of Rundle street, was charged by Inspector Reid with not keeping the outer door of his licensed premises closed on the Lord's Day during the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock in the evening, whereby he had forfeiteel a penalty of not less than £5 or more" than ¡£50. Police-constable Cavan deposed that between the ho¡ur3 of 12 o'clock on Saturday night and 1 o'clock on Sunday morning last, he saw de- fendant's door open and saw him selling drink. Mr. Moulden, who appeared for the defendant, examined this witness, who said that he saw nothing between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock on Sunday evening, and the Bench suggested that as the
Monday 23 May 1859 Page 1
THE undersigned hereby gives notice that he will not be RESPONSIBLE for any DEBT or DEBTS contracted in his name without his written order. Dated this 20th day of Mav, 1859.
99, Rundle-street, Adelaide.
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858-1889) (about)
Monday 24 December 1860 Page 3 of 4
Hotels, Boarding-Houses, &c
119 and 121, RUNDLE-STREET.
J. H. HUBERT has OPENED the above Establish- ment in a new style, so as to combine every accommo- dation for Residents and Visitors equal to the best hotels, at unprecedented Low Prices, and suitable to every class of visitors.
Comfortable Beds, and the best Wines, Spirits, and Malt Liquors that can be procured.
Finest and Largest PORT LINCOLN OYSTERS at Is. 6d. per dozen ; middle size, Is. per dozen ; small size, 6d. per dozen, bread and butter included.
A good DINNER for ONE SHILLING, with vege- tables included. dq
Tuesday 12 March 1861 p 3
licence Renewal Applications
i John Henry Hubert, Nottinghamshire Arms, Rundió street, Adelaide.
The South Australian... Friday 2 August 1872, page 3. News 291 words
... AGRICULTURAL AREA SELECTIONS. TIONS. The following selections have been made since the 25th July, with 10 per cent, deposit:\emdash AT posit:\emdash *> AT £1 PER ACRE. Dublin, Hundred Dublin, Section 178, Denis OarroU, Myponga, farmer, 138 acres ; Sections 162 and 164, John Henry Hubert, of Dublin, farmer....
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848-1954) Monday 9 October 1876 Page 7 of 8
An inquest was commenced on Tuesday, October 3, at Dublin, South Australia, to in- quire into the circumstances connected with tbe death of Jane Baker, a girl about l8 years of age, who was found in a tank on the premises of a farmer named John H. Hubert, near Dublin, on the morning of Monday, October 2 The evidence of the first three witnesses is reported as follows by the South Australian Register :-
"Alfred Barrett said-Saw deceased sitting agains the door soon after 7 in the morning Deceased got up a few minutes afterwards and jumped down the tank, saying, ' You won't see me any more ' Could catch nothing else. She did not ask for anything. Went on her knees and tumbled in. Mr Hubert, witness's stepfather, was in bed when deceased tumbled in. Called my step- father, who put on his trousers and came out. He (Hubert) tried to get deceased out with a hook, but did not go into the tank. He came about two or three minutes after I saw her jump in. She was sunk when Hubert got there. Heard the dogs bark at night. Hubert got up, but could see no one. The girl was dead. Deceased opened the lid of the tank. Might have prevented her, but did not know what she was going to do Had never seen her before. Never spoke to the deceased, and did not know her. She díd not speak to me Usually got up just after sunrise. My brother and I were both looking down at the same time. We had the rope at the tank when Hubert came out. They (father and mother) said they got up in the middle of the night, but I did not know myself that they did. Did not know how long Hubert was up. Neither Hubert nor my mother has directed me how to give my evidence here today. Would swear Hubert said nothing to me about how to give my evidence. Did not see deceased while in the tank drowning. My brother and I were up at the same time. Both saw her at once at the door. Mr. Hubert told me to run and get a rope, and get hold of her when I told him a woman had fallen in the tank. She was sitting at the front door, facing the east. The dogs were tied 30 yards away. Deceased had been away about nine weeks, I heard mother and Hubert say.
" Herbert Barrett said -Between 6 and 7 o'clock yesterday morning went to let the dogs loose at Mr. Hubert's house. Saw a woman sitting at the front door, and after five minutes she came along the road, opened the lid, and jumped into the tank. I ran to get a stick, but it was not long enough. Then went and said, 'There's somebody jumped into the tank.' My brother Alfred was with me at the time. Mr. Hubert got up as quickly as he could. He got a stick, and sent me after help from Mr. Martin's. Usually got up between 7 and 8 o'clock. Sun was not two hours up when we got up yesterday morning. It was a little after 6. Deceased was sitting at Mr. Hubert's front door when I saw her first. It was about a quarter of an hour after. Never saw her before. Deceased had a handkerchief over her face. Both looked into the tank before Mr. Hubert came out. Saw her move her hand just once. I said yesterday I did not know whether it wasthe girl that was working there or not. Heard no noise at night, and don't know whether there was any. I sleep with my brother. Do not know that Mr. Hubert got up during the night. Neither Mr. Hubert nor my mother has directed me what to say. They told me not to let my tongue run too much. Did not let my tongue run loose. I will swear I did not tell anybody that the police pumped me coming up. Reported the matter to the police at Two Wells. I put down the stick, but could reach nothing. We went to the tank before we called Hubert, and put the stick into it. Shouted out that some young woman had jumped into the tank. Both shouted together. Mr. Hubert was in the room furthest away from the tank. Have been up here a couple of months. Mr. Hubert brought her to the surface. He said, ' I wonder what possessed her to do that'. He never mentioned her name at breakfast. Brother said, ' That's the girl that was work- ing here ' My mother was in the house cook- ing the breakfast when they were taking deceased out of the tank,
"John Henry Hubert deposed,- I was in bed yesterday morning about 20 minutes after sunrise. Heard one of the lads call out that a girl had jumped into a tank. I said, ' Good gracious ' See if you can got hold of something to keep her above water till I come out.' I slipped on my trousers and boots and went out directly. Both boys had sticks and were poking about in the water. They had a long stick, which I took away from them and tried to feel the body, but could not bring it to the surface. I got a hook and tied it on, and then brought her to the top of the water. The part of the dress to which the hook fastened gave way, and the body dropped again. Tried again, brought her to the surface of the water, but could not bring her up. Sent for assistance, and kept her head out of the water. While I held the body two of Mr. Martin's sons came up and helped me to take the body out. Will swear a rope was not put round her neck to pull her out. I did not suggest using the rope for pulling out the body. Kept the body above water all the time till Martin came. Did not attempt to resuscitate life. Have known the deceased about three years. Got her from the Destitute Asylum. She has been in my service as general servant until nine weeks ago. Was to give her 5s.
per week. Discharged her, but she came back again. There was no agreement the second time she came back. She gave birth to a child about 10 months after the second engagement. Don't know anything about the father of the child. I did cohabit with her, and we always lived on good terms Advertised for a wife last year and this year, the last time about three months ago. Obtained a wife through adver- tising. The deceased (Jane Baker) remained about two days after I brought my wife to Dublin. Did not send her away. Did not want her to stay. My wife and deceased had no quarrel. Never said that I would put the contents of a revolver into her if she did not be off. Offered her some money, but she would not take it. Did not know how much - a note and a handful of silver. She never grubbed roots or ploughed, but she harrowed my crops for two years. She did all the domestic work and was hard-working and industrious. Have acted towards her like a gentleman. The money I offered her was in excess of what I owed her. Did not offer to make her any compensation for ruin- ing her character. Was doubtful about her sanity'
Other evidence having been taken, the jury returned the following verdict -" We are of opinion that the deceased, Jane Baker, was found drowned in a tank at Mr. Hubert's, but there is not sufficient evidence to show how. Wa append the following rider -'That the conduct of Hubert in this affair was both disgraceful and unmanly, and deserves the utmost contempt of the community; and we also censure him for not adopting means to restore life to the body '|"
London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906 about Mary Harriet Bodley
Record Type:
Estimated Birth Date:
Baptism Date:
Father's Name:
Mother's name:
Parish or Poor Law Union:
Register Type:
The GRO reference is Births 1849 registered St Giles vol 1 page 75
Certificate states:
Registration district St Giles in the Fields and St George Bloomsbury
1849 Death in the sub district of North St Giles in the Fields in the County of Middlesex
No. 446
When and where died: Eleventh September 1844 22 Broad Street
Name and surname: Mary Harriet Hubert
Sex: F
Age: 23 years
Occupation: Spinster
Cause of death: Cholera 2 days Certified
Signature,description and residence of informant: Caroline Lindley Present at the Death 8 Adelphi Terrace Strand
When Registered : Thirteenth September 1849
Signature of Registrar: George Simpson, Registrar.
Certificate states:
Registration district St Giles in the Fields and St George Bloomsbury
1849 Death in the sub district of North St Giles in the Fields in the County of Middlesex
No. 446
When and where died: Eleventh September 1849 22 Broad Street
Name and surname: Mary Harriet Hubert
Sex: F
Age: 23 years
Occupation: Spinster
Cause of death: Cholera 2 days Certified
Signature,description and residence of informant: Caroline Lindley Present at the Death 8 Adelphi Terrace Strand
When Registered : Thirteenth September 1849
Signature of Registrar: George Simpson, Registrar.
HUBERT Caroline Emma 63 Swindon.
Group Sheet