John Westrop
Margaret Woodgate
George Heard
(Bef 1820-)
Ann Westrapp
(Bef 1780-)
Gideon Heard
(Bef 1820-Abt 1887)


Family Links
1. Dudgeon and Arnell
2. George Heard & Ann Westrapp

Emily Ann Carloss

Gideon Heard

  • Born: Bef 1820, Knodishall, Suffolk 2
  • Marriage: Emily Ann Carloss on 20 Jun 1861 in All Saints Church, Prahran, Melbourne 1
  • Died: Abt 1887 3 4

  General Notes:

In 1861 at the time of his marriage, Gideon Heard gave his parents' names as George Heard, Farmer, and Ann Westrapp. His birthplace was recorded as Knodishall, Suffolk.

In 1867 Gideon was involved in a failed business venture with Ringrose Cabburn Waller and Westrop William Waller the younger. Various public trees have Westrop Waller born in Lavenham, Suffolk to Stephen Waller and Margaret Westrop. Margaret's parents appear on these trees and on Ray Long's Lavenham web site as John Westrop and Margaret Woodgate. Their eldest child is Ann Westrop baptised 1773 Lavenham. It seems at least possible that this Ann is Gideon's mother. Having said that there are a number of Ann Westrops born around Suffolk at that time.

Another link to Lavenham is the 1851 census entry for a George and Ann Heard in Melford close by Lavenham. George is 77, born Melford, and described as a "Bricklayer formerly Proprietor of Horses" which would fit with the "Farmer" occupation from 1861. Maybe he had his horses at Knodishall about 30 miles to the east in the early part of the century. Ann is recorded as being 71, also born Melford. If she was the daughter of John and Margaret we would expect her to be about 77.

Looking a bit further I found a well sourced public tree that has the wife of George Heard being Ann Sansum. Familysearch records seem to confirm Sansum is more likely.

Whatever the correctness of the above it seems highly likely that Gideon Heard and the Wallers were related although maybe in a slightly different way than I originally thought. Maybe Gideon is of the next generation - all I really know about his birthdate is that he was was on an electoral roll in 1856 so probably before 1835 (and he was still travelling in 1885.)



He worked as a Started in Tobacco Industry in 1854 and resided at Melbourne. 5 1854 - started in tobacco industry (according to 1885 NZ paper article)

He worked as a Tobacco Manufacturer in 1856 and resided at 17 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. 6

He worked as a Tobacconist in 1861 and resided at St Kilda. 2

MISC: Dissolution of HEARD & LAWTON, 1871, Adelaide. 7 South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) Thursday 2 November 1871 p 2 Advertising
NOTICE is hereby given that the
PARTNERSHIP for some time past
carried on by Messrs. GIDEON HEARD and
THOMAS LAWTON, of Rundle-street, Ade-
laide, Tobacconists, trading under the Style or
Firm of HEARD & LAWTON, 107, Rundle
street, was this day DISSOLVED by mutualFix this text
consent. The Debts due and owing by the late
firm will be Received and Paid 'by Thomas
Lawton, of No. 107a, Rundle-street, Adelaide,
Tobacconist. Witness our hands this first day
of November, one thousand eight hundred and
Witness\emdash Geo. Donaldson, Jun., Solicitor,
Adelaide. xv


Gideon married Emily Ann Carloss, daughter of George Carloss and Harriet Shaw, on 20 Jun 1861 in All Saints Church, Prahran, Melbourne.1 (Emily Ann Carloss was born Cal 1842 in Coventry, Warwickshire 2, christened on 15 Apr 1842 in Coventry, St John the Baptist 8 and died on 18 Mar 1913 in 33 Aberdeen Rd, Prahran, Victoria 9 10 11.)


1 NLA Newspapers online (TROVE), HEARD\emdash CARLOSS.\emdash On the 20th inst., at All Saints
Church, Prahran, by the Rev. J. H. Gregory, Mr. Gideon Heard, of the firm of G. Heard and Co., tobacco manufacturers, Melbourne, to Emily Ann, daughter of Mr. George Carloss Mount Erica.


2 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate,, Marriage.

3 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate,, Death Cert EAC 1913.

4 Web (Misc), He wrote a letter to a NZ newspapaer in 1885 and Sands Directory has his wife alone in Prahran from 1887 to 1913.

5 Web (Misc), The Tobacco Industry.
Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5487, 19 February 1885, Page 4

The Tobacco Industry.

(To tho Editor), Sin,\emdash l noted an article in your issue of yesterday on tho abovo Hubioct, and, as an od tobacco manufacturer from Victoria, would like to mako a fow remarks. You stato that the tobacco industry is in a fearfully depressed state in that colony at tho prosont timo through tho prohibitive character ol tho Tobacco Act. I presume the article in (mention was writton by ono of your stall, and 1 fancy ho must havo been misinformed n. to tho state of tho ti .do. I left Tictorla for this placo in Juno last, and us I havo been off and on connected with tho tobacco industry sinco it waa first established in 1854,1 ought to bo ablo to judgo an to tho atato of the trade, and I must say that I never saw it in f. more nourishing condition than when I left. I havo not lived in tho city of Melbourne for the last fow years, but was thoro somo threo months prior to coming horo, and as I did not know to what extent they were manufacturing in this colony, I mado overy inquiry in Melbourne as to whothor men could bo got for Now Zealand if required, and was told by tho manufacturers that if I procured men, I should have to induce them to leave somo of tho factories, for there was not a man known to bo out of work. Since I havo been hero, 1 havo boon in constant communication with tho Secretary of the Ciirar-makors' Socioty and the leading linn of tobacco manufacturers, and had tho trado boon in such a depressed condition in this short time, I feel confident I should buvo been made acquainted with it; in fuct, tho last letter I received, about a fortnight since, from tho Secretary of tho cigar-makers statos that thoy could find work for moro hands if they had them. As rogards tho imposition of tho liconso and oxciso duties in November, 18S0, that did not losson the tobacco factories, but it did tho small cigar-makers ; and a very good thing both for tho trado and the public it did, for previous to that, when the trade had unlimited sway\emdash nolicenso, no excise, which existed for 26 years in Victoria, and many years more in New South Wales\emdash theso small men would buy a few pounds of imported leaf for wrappers, and fill up tho cigar with all sorts of colonial-grown rubbish, and hawk them about to public houses and small dealers at a cheap prico ; aud as the cigars, to all appearance, looked good, tho consumer was taken in till ho commenced to smoke them, when they often brought forth a blessing moro emphatic than polite. This sort of thing, of courso, gave the colonial-made cigar a bad narao, but 6ince tho license fee has boen in existence the trado has fallen into respectablo hauds, and is in a nourishing condition. In the latter part of your article you say the Government of this colony are pursuing a wiser policy in encoura'jinij tobacco-growing and manfacture. Evidently the writer has not perused tho Tobacco Act, or he would find that outlaws are most prohibitive. We have to pay the same duty on tho leaf as on the manufactured artielo, and are hampered with an excise duty equal to that of Victoria at the vory commencement of the industry; and I maintain that the factories will never gain a firm footing under such a tariff, besides which the manufacturer has to pay a license fee of £50 (fifty pounds) per annum and find two sureties of £1,000. If this is not keeping the small men out with a vengeanoo, I do not know what is. More than this, our Collector of Customs in Auckland since the starting of the tobacco factories, has prohibited tho trade who have tobacco-cutting machines from importing and cutting leaf tobacco (and on which they would have to pay the full duty of 3s Cd per lb, tho same as the manufactured article), underthreatof an action at law. At the same timo, I have it on good authority that it is allowed at every principal city south of Auckland. Perhaps you, Mr Editor, can explain this. How is it that the laws of New Zealand should affect one province different to another! I have searched the Act, and can find no clause in it to justify the action of tho Collector of Customs. If tho tobacco industry is to bo established in this colony the Government ought at onco to abolish the excise duties, and when they find the colonial manufacture is oncroaching too much on the revenue, then it will be timo onough to impose it the same as in Victoria and New South Wales. In Adelaide, where tho trade has boen established about sixteen years, there is no excise duty imposed yet. Wo also require a differential duty in favour of the leaf, which ought not to be more than ls 6d, or at the outside 2s per lb; that grown in tho colony is only fit for mixing with imported tobacco; the duty on loaf in Melbourno is only ls per lb, and manufactured 3s; cigars, Gs. I would advocate a license feo' on both cigar and tobacco manulacturers. I trust and think wo have in Sir J. Vogel a man as Treasurer that will see tho present laws altered and the manufacturing and growing industrios placed upon a better footing than at present; at the same time tho assistance of the Star will be most accoptable.\emdash l am, &c, Gideon Heard. York House, Grey-street, Feb. 13th, ISBS. '

[Tho statements of fact in the article under notice wore not our own, but were quoted from an appeal issued by the Operative Tobacconists' dociety of Victoria. Tho difference between'those statements and those of our correspondent is one of standpoint \emdash the former were made from tho workman's point of view, the latter are from the employer's, It is wollknown that unscrupulous, Eelfisb, and short-sightod employers of labour rather rejoice, and take it as a sign of prosperity, when employmont is scarce and large numbors of operatives aro idle, because then wagos aomo down and theirjprofits are enhanoea. Our correspondent admits that the heavy license fees and bond rates havo choked off the small factories, and so far he quite agrees on the question of fact with tho statements mado in our article; but, looking at it from his own standpoint, ho approves of that action which the operatives condemn. As for his remarks about the restrictive character of the Now Zealand Tobacco Act, it is sufficient to ssy in reply that our local manufacturers havo not complainod of the burdens placed upon them j and this suggests the question \emdash Is not tho non-success of the tobacco industry in Victoria traceable to another cause than legislative trammels, for instance, to tho "rubbishy" nature of the most of tho tobacco grown thero ? That depreciating cause is absent in this colony, for our tobacco is already recognised as fully equal to tho bost American-grown.\emdash Ed, E.B.J.

6 Online Census and BMD,, 1856 Electoral roll. Australia, Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980 about Gideon Heard
Name:Gideon Heard
Electoral Year:1856
Subdistrict:St Mary's.

7 NLA Newspapers online (TROVE), South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) Thursday 2 November 1871 p 2 Advertising.

8 Online Census and BMD,, Baptism.
Warwickshire, England, Baptisms, 1813-1910 about Emily Ann Carloss
Name: Emily Ann Carloss
Parish: Coventry, St John the Baptist
Baptism Date: 15 Apr 1842
Father's Name: George Carloss
Mother's Name: Harriet Carloss

9 Online Census and BMD,, Victoria Electoral rolls until 1914.

10 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Historical Index Detailed Results
Family Name:

Given Name(s):

Emily Ann


Father's Name:

Carloss Geo
Mother's Name:

SHAW - Hart
Spouse's Family Name:

Spouse's Given Name(s):


Birth Place:

Death Place:

Registration Year:

Registration Number:


11 NLA Newspapers online (TROVE), HEARD On the 10 March, at Aberdeen-road
North Prahan, Emily Ann, relict of the late
Gideon Heard, aged 71 years
1913 'Family Notices.', The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 11 March, p. 1, viewed 14 January, 2014,