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Joseph Doar
Jane Jarvis
(From 1843/1843-1920)
Emelette Jane Sarah Doar
(Infant) Morrison
(Bef 1920-Bef 1920)


Family Links

(Infant) Morrison 1

  • Born: Bef 1920
  • Died: Bef 1920

  General Notes:

Placeholder until identified


1 Chris Andrew (candrew AT, ".............Mrs Doar's grave is nearby. She taught at several local schools, including Tikokino and Blackburn, and was held in very high regard by pupils, parents and School Inspectors. She died in 1920, and buried near her and her husband is their grandchild, infant daughter of Emmellette Morrison."

Tikokino A History 1855-1990
Written by Sally Butler
A book written about the area, page references where the Doar names appear:
Doar, Mrs, 22,33-35,89
Doar, Joseph, 35