George Doar
(1813-From 1893/1893)
Sarah Oldershaw
(Cal 1814-1865)
John Frederick William (Fred) Doar
(1861/1861-After 1920)
Sarah Wright
(Cal 1862-1893/1893)
Mary Doar


Family Links

Mary Doar

  • Born: Jan to Mar 1884, Ilkeston 1 2


In 1901 she was visiting at 24 Hampden St, Beeston, Notts. This was the house of USA born Frank Parton, railway clerk. 3 4

On 8 Nov 1906 Mary Doar, 21, single, "domestic" arrived at Ellis Island, NY, USA from Liverpool on the Teutonic bound for Sidney, NY, to visit friend Ralph Godfrey. She is recorded as being 5ft fair, brown hair and eyes and suffering from Neuro Ch????is. 5 6


1 Online Census and BMD,, 1891C.

2 Chris Andrew (candrew AT, Births Mar 1884DOAR MaryBasford 7b 142

3 Online Census and BMD,, 1901C.

4 Chris Andrew (candrew AT, 1901 census: Beeston, Notts
RG13 3153 50/46
Frank PARTON Head M 45 Railway Clerk Jersey City USA
Catherine PARTON Wife M 45 Bourne Lincs
Mary DORE Visitor S 16 Ilkeston


5 Ellis Island Website, Arrival certificate and passenger manisfest entry. Images on file.

6 Chris Andrew (candrew AT, The disorder is conjunctivitis - which is an eye infection, sometimes referred to today as "pink eye". I think the word "memo" was there to draw attention to the affliction.