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Nathaniel Gardiner
Johanna Fletcher
Mark Glann
(Cal 1826-1899)
Emma Doar
William Gardiner
(Cal 1855-After 1891)
Susannah Glann
Emma Isabel Gardiner


Family Links

Emma Isabel Gardiner 1

  • Born: 1887, Melbourne, Australia 2
  • Died: 1901, Prahran Hospital 3
  • Buried: 22 Jun 1901, Booroondara Cemetery 4


1 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,

2 Booroondara Cemetery Lookups - Catherine Cox, Surname: GARDINER
Given Names: Emma Isabelle
Event: B
Spouse Surname/Father: William
Spouse Gvn Names/Mother: Susanah GLANN
Birth Place: MELB
Year: 1887
Reg Number: 15102

3 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index,, Surname: GARDINER
Given Names: Emma Isabel
Event: D
Spouse Surname/Father: Gardiner Wm
Spouse Gvn Names/Mother: Susanah GLANN
Age: 14
Age Code:
Death Place: Prn Hos
Year: 1901
Reg. Number: 7222


4 Booroondara Cemetery Lookups - Catherine Cox, Hi Rob,
I am just back from the cemetery.
I can confirm the burial for Emma Glann
She is buried in Baptist 'B' 204, along with
Emma Isabel Gardiner buried 22/6/1901
and Maria Elizabeth Glann buried 19/9/1900.
