Herbert Walter Hayball (1864-1945) |
Herbert Walter Hayball
General Notes: "... Clerk. Youngest son and 14th child. Married Ada Emily Weeks, Daughter of Thomas Byers Weeks, Civil Engineer, who was sent to India by the English Government to build the first railways there (as engineer in charge) and his wife Jane Smith, daughter of George Smith, saddlers to the King. His family made the gold-plated harness for the Royal Family. This business was ruined by the advent of the motorcar. Chronology: He attended school in Brighton Grammar School. 8 He worked as an Apprenticed to John Felstead about 1880. 8 JF was proprietor of a large drapery and general store and a brother of William Felstead of Beith Schress and Felstead [sic] He worked as a Shopman in Robertson and Moffat, Bourke St. He resided from about 1890 to 1910 in "Normanby", 11 Manor St, Brighton. 9 He worked as a HW Hayball, Chaff, Grain & Fuel Merchant from 1913 to 1914 and resided at 148 High St, St Kilda. 10 He worked as a Residence or business? from 1913 to 1914 and resided at H W Hayball, Railway Siding, St Kilda. 10 Herbert married Ada Emily Weeks, daughter of Thomas Weeks and Jane Elizabeth Smith, on 10 Sep 1890 in St Johns, Brighton?.1 2 (Ada Emily Weeks was born in 1866 in Gravesend, Kent (reg) 2 11 and died in 1949 in E St Kilda 12.) Marriage Notes: Witnesses: Alfred H Hayball Alfred (Shaw?) |
1 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Marriage. Name: HAYBALL - Herbt WaltEvent Type: Marriage Sex: MAge: - Place: BRIGHTONYear: 1890 Reg. Number: 4765Father: - Mother: - Spouse: WEEKS - Ada Emily.
2 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Marriage.
3 Letter - Doris Hayball 1960 2 sided typed sheet, 1.5 pages handwritten - incomplete Given to RB 1960s.
4 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Birth 1864/13577. Walter not Walker.
5 Miscellaneous Documents, Hayball Bible. 12 Aug 1864.
6 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Birth.
7 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Death. Name: HAYBALL - Herbt WalterEvent Type: Death Sex: Age: 81 - Place: E St KYear: 1945 Reg. Number: 12813Father: Hayball Robt - Mother: - Spouse: - . Name is "Walter".
8 Doris Hayball (c1965); Wells, Helen and William (2006), Various Others, Hayball Family File at Brighton Historical Society.
Allom Lovell & Associates Pty Ltd, City of Bayside Heritage Review (1999), City of Bayside Heritage Review: Building Citations
580 Allom Lovell & Associates
In early 1883, the land bordered by The Esplanade, Wellington, Dendy and New Streets was subdivided. This created an estate of 84 allotments with frontages to these streets as well as to Sussex and Manor Streets.1 There were seven blocks on the west side of Manor Street, designated as Lots 10 to 16. By 1891, a six room timber house, valued at £70, had been erected on Lot 12. It was owned and occupied by Herbert Hayball, an accountant, who was still living there in 1905.2 He was a doubtless a descendant of Robert Hayball, a Brighton pioneer who arrived in 1843 and established a timber yard in New Street which soon grew to become one of the most prominent and successful businesses in the area.3 By 1910, Herbert Hayball's house in Manor Street had been acquired, or more likely repossessed, by the Northern Assurance Company. At that time, the house was identified as Normanby. By 1917, Louisa Davey, a widow, was owner and occupant of the house, then known as No. 11 Manor Street.4
The house at 11 Manor Street is a detached, asymmetrically planned, single-storey Italianate style villa with a hipped slate roof with bracketed eaves. The house has a return verandah supported on cast iron columns, and abuts an unusual elaborate rendered entrance porch on the street elevation. The classically composed porch has a semi-circular arched opening with rendered mouldings and keystone, and is surmounted by a segmented arched and scrolled pedimented parapet. The pediment contains a shield in low relief. A canted bay projects on the north elevation. Eaves have coupled timber brackets, and the rendered chimney stacks have moulded cappings. The rendered brick and steel palisade fence is a relatively recent addition, and a pair of windows to the south of the porch is a later alteration.
Comparative Examples
10 Agnew Street, East Brighton Elrona, 11 Murphy Street, Brighton
Eloc, 52 Bay Street, Brighton Esmerelda, 32 Park Street, Brighton
Lauriston, 10 Church Street, Brighton 1 Seymour Grove, Brighton
Aldgour, 192 Church Street, Brighton Weeroona, 17 South Road, Brighton
Former Watchhouse, 743 Hampton Street, Brighton Winmarleigh, 20 Were Street, Brighton
South Leigh, 907 Hampton Street, Brighton South Lodge, 43 Were Street, Brighton
Wangararu, 23 Marriage Road, East Brighton Eulora, 130 Were Street, Brighton
59 Milroy Street, East Brighton Mia Mia, 22 William Street, Brighton
Roslyn, 61 Milroy Street, East Brighton Florence Court, 26 William Street, Brighton
Heim Ruke, 63 Milroy Street, East Brighton
Normanby, at 11 Manor Street, Brighton, is of aesthetic significance. The house, substantially intact, is distinctive example of the nineteenth Italianate style, distinguished by its unusual ornate entrance porch.
Identified By
Allom Lovell & Associates
1 Lodged Plan No. 485, declaration undated (early 1883). Land Survey and Information Centre.
2 Rate Books 1897, 1900, 1905.
3 Weston Bate, A History of Brighton . p 271.
4 Rate Books 1910, 1917.
City of Bayside Heritage Review: Building Citations
Allom Lovell & Associates 581
Building: Brighton Park, later Wangararu Significance: B
Address: 23 Marriage Road, East
Melway Map Ref: 76 H1
Building Type: Residence Construction Date: 1890
Architect: Unknown Builder: Unknown
10 Victorian Telephone Directory (SLV MF).
FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales, www.freebmd.org.uk, Births Dec 1866 12
Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Index, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Death. Family Name: HAYBALL Given Name(s): Ada Emily Sex: Unknown Event: DEATH Father's Name: Weeks Thos Mother's Name: WEEKS - Jane Spouse's Family Name: Spouse's Given Name(s): Age: 83 Birth Place: Death Place: E St K Registration Year: 1949 Registration Number: 10797.